Wednesday, July 4, 2007


At last, Canonization Day! June 3, 2007 dawned....but not the sun! What started out as a light misting, turned into a drizzle, and then a torrent! We got creative and managed with umbrellas, ponchos, scarves, plastic bags, caps, and sheer sense of humor! We stood on our chairs, balanced precariously on the edge of pillars, hid out together in each other's sweaters to keep warm, even used visualization to keep from freezing! FOUR HOURS in the rain, was making us feel like that cake in MacArthur Park. But, we persevered, made friends and peace with our equally drenched co-pilgrims, and made it to the end, grateful for our new saints, grateful for the blessing of water!

Because of the rain, and more so because it was not totally in English, it was a little hard to follow the mass. It was the first time for us, and likely the last, that we were able to yell and laugh loudly at mass, and get away with it. Thanks to the young and enthusiastic Asuncionistas from Mexico seated beside us, who kept urging us "Tenemos que gritar mas fuerte!", everytime we heard Mother Marie Eugenie's name, we yelled and screamed and clapped, just like all the other pilgrims. That kept us in festive mode all throughout!

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